Science at the Wetlands

 This week was a fun one at my internship. We got to do a project I have heard of doing but always wanted to get the chance to do: testing wetlands for life and other biotic factors (salinity, dissolved oxygen and conductivity). We mapped the area around each pool of water, measured the depth in the middle and collected the data. Then we took dip nets and scooped around the pools to see what was living there. We then dumped our nets out in a shallow tray of water to see clearly what critters were living in the water. It was so much fun! The main species we were looking for was the Illinois chorus frog but we didn't have any luck, we did get a pretty good variety though of other critters. 

Intern holding a salamander in the pool we were testing

While we were there, we spotted so many different critters. It is so much fun being with a group of people learning from each other and helping identify plants and animals.

Hognose snake we discovered playing dead, he stopped faking when we got closer for pictures.
 They are very docile wild snakes

I have a really good time at my internship and all the people I work with are truly such great people. Besides the science project, we hiked some trails to make new maps, and removed some invasive plants. I am officially done with a whole month out there and only have 2 more to go before Summer ends, time is flying by so fast. Working as much as I do doesn't seem so bad when I'm doing what I want and get to be outside. This last Friday is when Summer heat finally kicked in. The weather is calling for thunderstorms all week starting tomorrow so that should be fun and cool things down a bit.

Eastern painted Turtle sitting on the trail 

 All of this wildlife related stuff this week makes me really appreciate the verse "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:7-10. It is so cool to think that all of these animals I have seen this week know who God is and know that they were created by God. If animals could speak they would teach us what they know. They depend on God for everything. It seems today nature (the creation) has more reverence than God (the creator). When we start worshiping things that are created we have a problem, we need to let the creation point us to who we should really worship which is God, the creator and author of life.


P.S. Sometime soon I have big news coming!! 

*Photo creds: PW


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